
Periodontal Disease

Aug 29, 2024

What is periodontal disease? How to prevent the disease.

Periodontal disease is an inflamatory condition afecting the tissues sorrounding and supporting the teeth. It can led to gum and bone destruction. In the early stages it is called gingivitis but if not treated  then periodontitis. 

The causes are varios, accumulation of bacteria in the plaque. The role of smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes and genetic predisposition increasing the risk of periodontal diseace. 

Early signs can be bleeding gums swollen and red, bad breath and loose teeth. Dental proffesional can diangose and treat periodontal disease by taking x-rays and doing clinical examinations and dental probings. 

There are treatments no surgical which include scaling and debridement of the teeth and roots ( deep cleaning), antiobiotics and regular profecional cleanings. More advance cases  may require surgical flap surgery, bone and tissur graft. 

The most important thing to do is maintenace and prevention. Visit to you dentist evry 4-6 months fro recular check ups and maintenance. A good oral hygiene at home, flossing brushing and mouthwash. 

Many studies has shown that there is a direct effect between your mouth and health issues such as heart disease, diabetes and respiratory conditions.